News & insight

364 trees planted in the bigHead forest since January 2024!

05 Jul 2024

364 trees planted in the bigHead forest since January 2024!
688 good deeds done!

Keen to make a difference in today’s world, beyond helping designers and engineers to fasten composite materials, we are members of the ‘Tech for Good’ volunteering organisation ‘OnHand’. Our employees can volunteer to be placed on the bigHead Bonding Fasteners OnHand register of helpers. They then log the hours they spend on volunteering in their own community and also carrying out pledges such as saving water, donating to a local food bank, ditching single use plastic and so on. bigHead gains points for the hours logged and a number of trees are planted, related to those hours. Developing good habits that contribute not only to the planet but to personal fulfillment and agency is all part of On Hand’s objective. We highly recommend making ‘On Hand’ part of your company’s sustainability and employee well-being drive. Sign up now!

You can find out more about On Hand here