News & insight

Blue Hearts Embassy for Ukrainian refugees

17 Mar 2023

As part of the Bossard Group of companies we are really impressed by the ‘Blue Hearts Embassy’, established by our Bossard colleagues in Poland to support the people of Ukraine, disrupted and displaced by the ongoing war with Russia. The Blue Hearts Embassy is a safe haven and community hub in Cracow, for children, adolescents, mothers and elderly Ukranian refugees. It provides psychological and career counselling, Polish language courses and assistance with various administrative issues related to their stay in Poland. It also has a very important role as a gathering place for meetings and community integration between people who need help and those who can and want to provide it.

Talking with and listening to our Polish colleagues it is very clear how close to home the war and its outcome feels for our associates in Europe.

Blue Hearts relies heavily on donations and we have made Blue Hearts the bigHead charity for 2023.

Discover more about Blue Hearts and its work HERE