News & insight

767 trees are now planted in the bigHead forest through ‘On Hand’

28 Jan 2025

What’s more, our team’s actions have led to a reduction of 6.15 metric tonnes of CO2 over the past year.

To put that into context, this is roughly equivalent to the amount that would be emitted by 2.25 average UK homes per year, or by driving 15,223 miles in an average petrol-powdered car

We are members ofOn Hand’, the corporate volunteering and sustainability platform that encourages employees to do more good in their day-to-day lives whilst helping companies meet their corporate social responsibility (CSR) objectives.

1628 good deeds have been carried out by our bigHead team across a 12-month period – that averages 4.5 a day.

The current hero of our leader board is Tina Jones, our sales coordinator, who has gained an impressive 8930 hero points and planted 34 trees in the bigHead forests. Tina said “Many of the pledges are things I would naturally do anyway so it is great to know that trees will be planted just because I have done them. We know that trees are so important for the health of our planet.”

Our champion of CO2 reduction is operations coordinator, David White, whose actions have saved over a third of our total, an impressive 2.53 mt. David commented ‘Acting on climate change is a responsibility that falls on everyone and having On Hand’s inspiration and encouragement to make small everyday changes makes a surprising difference”

On Hand offers an extensive range of ways to volunteer in one’s community, or further afield, and to make pledges on living and working in a sustainable way. Some examples of actions that member of our team have carried out are helping the charities Crisis and the Dog’s Trust, giving blood and donating to food banks.  Pledges are numerous, ranging from reducing use of plastic, going vegan for a week and saving water in household chores to planting wild flowers and mindful actions such as taking regular walks.

On Hand is a simple and accountable way for companies to bring their teams together to  make a difference, both in community action and sustainability. Such initiatives are worthy of embracing, enabling everyone to take steps, however small, towards reducing CO2 emissions, and becoming a sustainable, more mindful and compassionate society.

You can find out a lot more about ‘OnHand’ here and here on the FAQs page